Sunday, April 01, 2007

Shino visited last February as mentioned in the previous blog entry and though it was way too short a visit but it was an awesome one. It was good to be beside her. As expected though, it was heartbreaking to see her go back. Good news came not long after and she was planning to visit this coming April. The flight's been confirmed and she'll be arriving on the 26th.

The days have been counting down and we speak to each other everyday on skype. Everything is great and everything keeps improving. Today we counted the number of hours we've spent talking together on skype since 7th Decembers 2006. It rounded up to 194 hours! Amazing..

I've also bought my flight ticket to Japan which is scheduled for September 24th this year. I had initially intended to fly there in October for her birthday however the promotion period for the flight was unavailable during that time. I'm counting the days and I'll be able to see her again in another 24 days.

Distance relationship is tough but it's meaningful. Naturally long distance relationship with no hope for being together in the future is meaningless and could be considered unnecesary anguish. But as long as there's hope, both parties find the strength to hang in there for the sake of love. The amazing thing about Shino is that I would lay my life down for her. What is a little distance? It's even easier when she feels the same. One of the greatest lessons that I've learnt so far in this relationship is the importance of communication, trust and patience. Put these three together and you get appreciation. I appreciate her for all that she is and above all else, I appreciate what little time we've spent together so far.

We have both agreed that the hardship and effort we put into the relationship at this stage will pay off in the future. When we have our little arguments and quarrels, we'll look back at the effort that we've both put in to be together. Once the distance hurdle is over, I'm pretty much betting it's smooth sailing for the rest of our lives.

I thank friends and family for supporting us and I thank God for all that I've been blessed with thus far.

Till next time :) Here's wishing that you find love like mine.

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