Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Been having some bad dreams, I guess I don't really want to talk about it. It's been two nights in a row where I've woken up shocked. It's just dreams afterall but I'm sure my feelings have an effect on my dreams whether they're bad or good. In any case, I want to forget these dreams. They'll not bring me anything good.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Back to 57.

How do you stop a crying heart? I've been asking myself that all day. Sent Shino off to the airport this morning. The weekend was great, almost every minute was spent with her. We watched a Korean movie together called "200 pound beauty" with my godmother. It was a good movie and now I got the songs stuck in my head. Not only that, everytime I hear the songs, I think of the time we just spent over the weekend. I miss her loads. It'll be another 57 days till I get to see her again and I can honestly feel my heavy heart.

I know we'll get through this, I know I wouldn't have it any other way but the part that gets me down is the feeling of dread. I dread the next 57 days, spending everyday alone. Though I have people around me; friends, colleagues, family. It's different. The next 57 days will be like coffee without sugar. Bitter and dark.

Still, I'd rather not have this post end on a sad note so on the plus side, we went to a few language centres and job agencies to find out more information. We managed to get quite a bit of information. Not completely good news but news nonetheless. Apart from watching the movie, Sunday was spent in the mall. We had dinner in the rain that night, lovely huh.

To cut a long story short. I miss her already.