Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Three Horde

Okay so what happened yesterday.. Went for a Sunken Temple run and had a reasonably good group. A warlock, mage, druid, hunter and myself made good work of the instance with aoe. After we downed the snake boss thingy.. (the water part) the mage and warlock had to leave so replacements were made where a friend of the hunter (who was a mage) joined us and shortly after we get another mage. Everything went good, we cleared off all the dragonkins and such and oved on to take out the Avatar of Hakkar. Unfortunately we wiped at Eranikus and the hunter and mage had to leave. I was left with the priest.

Oh, just for mention, the warlock earlier was Primevil and the priest is Elendra. I recruited both of them into Damage Inc as I thought they fitted the category of decent, and mature players.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we killed Eranikus with the help of a level 60 rogue, who's name I forgot a mage called Djy whom I've partied with before and the help of my buddy Dreadpaladin (Vanguardlock) who I'm sure you'll be hearing more about in future blogs. In the end I got the shield upgrade that I've been running ST for, the Crest of Supremacy.

Later in the night I was in Felwood with Dreadpaladin doing some quests in Jaedanar where a group of horde attacked us. There were two warlocks and a Lok'delar hunter. Had a very very entertaining PvP session there. We basically griefed them and in the end all three of them grave yard rezzed. Gotta love it, Lok'delar hunter with Giantstalkers set.. 75% durability. I pity the guy's repair build.

My warrior holds the sword Destiny with a crusader enchant. Not bad damage there when it procs. Anyway, this is all for today, will rant more about it later on.

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